Poems of Charles HIce 

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 There is a reflection an image in a mirror the words do not stand out there is no numbers there no 666 is evident yet. There is not much of a smile usually to reflect. Unless the thought is ewe. Then there is a reflection of a light that has not ending a love that purple turns to white. A reflection not of a person but of her soul. Indeed a half turned now into a whole. My love mon ange your heart casts a long shadow over mee and dispels my gloom of doom ewe make me happy when tears is called for you make me glad instead eye am still and ever certain that we aer two halves of just one person lost and taken away to different places at birth to be reunited now at the end of life's final curtain the joy in mee is only interneted love and yet she is a real girl a living person. A reflection of her mother and father and her GOD the same as eye am a reflection of my GOD and my mother and mye father. Iff ewe have a head ache and cannot find the causes turn down the gamma radiation on the computer clauses the internet is slowly killing time and all the masses a reflector of the hidden stashes of the hammer blows of Arm and Hammer baking soda we were told its made by Russians. Some people reflect only negative as they aer not worshipping Jesus or even religious they live in power over the masses this is a poor reflection of Satan. Mabe eye am on your too do list cause ewe love mee but eye will always feel a need to try to woo ewe there is love and there is love and there is a reflection made of paste and then there is ewe and eye a reflectivity of grace. A final certain. A reflection of a person's want and need and another person's need and want. When the avid American plays music and is not very good at it or professional enought he blows his trumpet in the reflection of all the great musicians of olden. Do not blow the trumpet on the street announcing satisfaction to the masses of the breaded hour then replete in the reflection of the tower as the devils march to war. This is just reflective power of the reflector of the computer in the central tower. They always said BOY you are a HOT dog and eye said no just cold snot.  Yes eye did eye always told them that. It was a reflection of guilt or not being good enought for them to play with me they should have been a reflection of the mirror the sodium nitrate behind the tape upon the back of the mirrowed company. In the company of minnows is where they wanted me to be. She said you would not make it here they aer too smart and way too redneck they reflect the evil now in men. Charlotte was so weird she let a rock star at a concert kiss her hand and then she never ever washed it off again. Poor Charlotte Hand. She held her tongue with both her fingers and told me eye would never kiss her. She programmed her cell phone to ring with the bands own song so she could pretend to talk only to him. She was a reflection of wrong. Making a poor boy a reflection of dust.
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 A reflector of missing pages a reflector of lies a reflective circumstance a reflection of the worth eye am. As the time crawls like quicksanded particles in the days of our life. The silver nitrite behind the mirror. With pure silver nitrate, distilled water, and ammonia, one can make a mirror virtually indistinguishable from those purchased at a store. Let me see mye reflection there. WOW, that's somereflector.

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