Poems of Charles HIce 

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 New word ewe. Ingratification. A CharlaX Definition the poetic license plate intact and added to the mixture of mye mind to bring a new and better day to all the minions trapped in time.
Flash: all the news that's fit.
Flash: all the news that will fit the page.
Flash: all the news for ewe
http://writebay.com/?site=maxsecure this was once mye free poetry web site eye feel that eye have been robbed and eye am certain it was not only mee what have they begun with this takeover of the free. This is Shakespeare's third segmented wormy inversion. Shakespeare's third period includes his greatest tragedy and his dark or bitter comedies. The tragedies of this period are the most profound of his works. Hamlet goes far beyond other tragedies of revenge in picturing the mingled sordidness and glory of the human condition. Othello the
growth of unjustified jealously in the protagonist. King Lear deals with the consequences of the irresponsibility and misjudgment of an early ruler of Britain and his councillor. The tragic outcome is the result of their giving power to their evil offspring rather that their good offspring. Antony and Cleopatra with a different type of love, namely, the middle-aged passion of the Roman general Mark Antony for the Egyptian queen Cleopatra. In Macbeth, Shakespeare depicts the tragedy of a basically good man, who led on by others, succumbs to ambition. In getting and retaining the Scottish throne, Macbeth dulls his humanity to the point where he becomes capable of committing anyenormity. Three other plays of this period suggest a bitterness lacking in these tragedies because the protagonists do not seem to possess greatness or tragic stature. In Troilus and Cressida The gulf between the ideal and the real, both individually and politically, is evoked. In Coriolanus, the Roman hero is portrayed as unable to bring himself either to woo the Roman masses or to crush them by force. Timon of Athens is a similarly bitter play
about a character reduced to nothing by ingratification. The two comedies of this period are also dark in mood. Of these, All's Well That Ends Well is less significant that Measure for Measure which suggests a picture of morality in Christian terms. SO we come to the CharlaX definition of morality: Ingratification. Limited space and time prevents the discourse needed to empty out long flowing vines and than decant the poetry. A man is still and ever a man the measure is love not the size of his army. Eye am an Army of minions and one. Let us take King Lear once reminded me of a Devil on fire?  My Kingdom For A Sword  My Kingdom For A Sword He was a ggod good king a real man among men. When the day of battle came; He learned the hard way.  I have heard men say I had to do that. NO you didn~t. There is no real reason to fight. The Jesus of Heaven possessed much more might; Then the good king Hamlet in a real fight. When the fighting got around the field toward the Crown; the good ggod King Hamlet was heard to abound:  in solid oaths and epitaths this saying is oft repeated until this day.  A sword? Place a Sword in my hand!, my KINGDOM for a sword??? This oath was proclaimed, just before the ggod good King Hamlet died. Alas Poor Hamlet eye knoe ewe well. Who was Yorick? I guess he fell with lots less fuss and circumstance. The Moral of this tale. Keep thy Kingdom made of wind my Heavenly friend.  And Keep the door open for my friends. A sword is made of light and wind. My Kingdom tis of thee. The ^A^ngel of the night. The Jesus of Humanity. For those of you among the purists accusing me of playgerism forget me not old minions for the playgerist is eye.  Mee.  The moral majority will never protest for they want that old and rusty brass ring the promise of a life in a fancy house with three car garages and all the perks of modern society. The ones that would attain to a protestant belief protest within the system only as much as it is afforded them to do they cannot swim where eye can walk so true. Mister Technology has said it best welcome to 1984 again. Which brings us back again to our ingratification.

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