Poems of CHarlesHIce 

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 Eye need to accent some positive things in mye life so eye can continue with mye life things are oh so bleak on bleaker street. Eye wrote my first poem in 2004 mostly to overcome a depression eye fell in love with a young woman she was a lesbian. Erline hated me and would not have anything to do with me as eye was a much older man she quite likely feared me. She ruined me for relationships of a sexual nature and now eye dwell alone except for ewe. We have our love. On my first and main website there is 1001 items each one is a poem some of them are stories. On the Fabel site there is 210 different items there. At the Theme Title place There is 71 items there. There is time invested of a serious nature. Eye have at least FIFTEEN websites call them major places they are all free poetry places like poetrypoem. Eye do Blogger. Eye have a lot of forums. Eye am sure that eye lost more places and forget to sign in and out at them than eye have left to go visit. Eye have a place upon the internet that ewe can visit there where there is a science fiction series about mars that makes the boy in my insides very happy. There is forums there is bloggers there is lots of charlax on the web. Listen to me ewe and understand that most of them are pieces of mye heart torn out and offered to the GOD and to his ewe eye love. Eye wanted to be a poet secretly when eye was only five. But pooed and disdained love the way the girls so hated me as Jonah committed suicide
by snitching on himself to the people in the boat the maritime laws are binding me like goat meat filling all mye poorest people. Frog is wasted when the law will not allow a fire to cook the legs and heads have you ever tried to eat a real frog leg with a busted jaw and broken tooth but eye would try to swallow meat iff eye could cook them neat in microwave the Dean of the institution collage would not dream of letting his survivors eat raw potage in the sewers there is old rum dummies in the outer limits making fires and cooking lots of frogs legs as the doors get filtered to allow the management to decide who lives and now who must also die the first to go is freedom and then want is not allowed kill the poverty let the poor rebound from door let them never enter learning center now. Never turn the poets from the door. We need the words they write the old men making fortunes in the night. This was mye braggingwrites.

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