~~ Heavenly Poetry ~~ By: Judith Johnson Kypta 

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 The Holocaust

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"The Holocaust"

Memories so sad, loom and leap
In minds of people Of days so dark
Things brought to mind, that hurt so deep
Of the truths . . .So terrible and stark

Rising as Dictator a man unknown
Nazi's issuing a decree . . . Against the Jews
Stripping Jewish Immigrants, from Poland
Of, German citizenship . . .Reached the news

Jews were prohibited from most everything
Doctors, Artists, Editors . . . Banned from all
Forced to the Ghetto's and hardship it brings
Brought to their lowest, a horrendous fall

Hearts of sorrow, Jews running to and fro
Protecting loved ones, family so dear
Where to hide . . . Not knowing where to go
Their lives filled with uncertainty and fear

Himmler established, the Mauthansen Camp
Where Jews were treated lower than cattle
Their hope flickering . . . Like a dying lamp
Doomed, In the evil of "Hitler's battle

Gathering God's chosen . . . The Jews
The leader, the evil man, sent his troops
Wrecking havoc, day after day, sending
To concentration camps, in large groups

Loaded like cattle, from a very long line
Mothers, daughters, fathers, sons, apart
Desperation, confusion . . .So much chaos
With foreboding fear, forming in each heart

As the trains carried them down the track
Confusion rang, amongst the cries and wails
Loved ones separated, straining to look back
Taken to concentration camps, and jails . . .

Hunger, was only one of the tortures
Of their . . .Body, their mind's and soul
Grave expressions, on each and every face
Caused by Hitler the evil man, Satan's tool

Made to work and slave, in the factory
Empty and hollow inside, day after day
Treated so inhumane, so plain to see
Bones, framed in a body, wasting away

One after one, ordered to take showers
Enjoying water, coming from the shower head
Not even realizing, they had been tricked
And in a short while, they'd all be dead

Heart wrenching wails and cries of the Jews
Who were forced to life of muck, and mire
Realizing the horrible death of their people
And the body stench, from the Crematorium fire

But for Schindlers List none would have survived
A Gentile . . .Creating work, for those appointed
Blessed by God, twelve hundred stayed alive
We all know, that list was . . . Anointed

Each new generation, bears the knowledge
Of the terrible things their ancestors endured
Buried in their hearts, are the cries of their people
Yet, a Thankfulness to God, the Jew is Restored

Copyright © 2006 Judith Johnson Kypta

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