Poetry that thinks out loud


It seems our way of life has come so far.
But so many questions remain unfamiliar.
Like how did we begin how did we get here.
Was it creation or evolution that made us appear.
Science and religions do not agree.
Its different views they choose to see.
In both views there are possibilities.
But also questions such as these.
If god is real then what created god.
Did god just appear that seems kind of odd.
Then scientist say in them to trust.
That out whole universe began from bacterial dust.
Both point to the same it started as nothing.
But nothing suddenly turn  into something.
 If nothing exist its never been seen.
We have no records that it has ever been.
If nothing does not exist that's also strange.
For we can not just vanish at the end of our age.
There are so many answers that are filled with holes.
Nobody really knows the power of our souls.
Scientist can go back 20 million years to age some old bones.
Yet ask how pyramids were built and nobody knows.
An accomplishment came when to the moon humans had gone.
Yet ask of the Bermuda triangle and the evidence is none.
All the powers that us humans possess.
And still we struggle with things like the loch ness.
They looked and the answer still remains no.
There are many places are technology just can not go.
Most of the places were yet to roam.
Are on this planet the one we call home.
Mysteries remain near and far.
Some so simple others plain bizarre.
But something I feel you can depend.
Is that life always survives it does not just end.

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