just thoughts 

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In my desire for enlightenment and fulfillment,
I seek it without delays,  searching with intensity.
The power and heat of the transformation
Melts away the dregs and purifies my heart's intentions.
I need to seek with patience,  as the fire burns so hot.
Destruction is waiting below this tightrope that I walk.
The power of change brings with it pain and memories,
It also diverts my attention into new directions.
This can be scary to those who know me as I change,
But I need to constantly be vigilant and watch with patience.

I want it now, I need it immediately, I must be complete yesterday.
This drive must be killed in order to become whole.
For this is of the flesh and ego,
The incessant seeking.

From the depths of my soul I must walk the path, not run.
I must take the time to smell the roses along the way.
The journey is the teacher, and it only comes at her pace.
There are no shortcuts,  no quick fixes,  no patchwork.
This is complete healing and a regrowth of new flesh,
As no scar tissue is left behind if the pace is correct.
I develop into a mighty oak, but just like that oak, it takes time.
I don't desire gene splicing, or performance enhancing drugs;
I guard against  seeking anything other than reality.
But within my mind I still want it now, but my heart says, patience.

I want it now, I need it immediately, I must be complete yesterday.
This drive must be killed in order to become whole.
For this is of the flesh and ego,
The incessant seeking.


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