just thoughts 

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 Just Breathe

These words have a calming effect .
          A balm of healing comes from the prana contained in a focused breath.
Peaceful is the river of air into my lungs;
          Without hoarding, opening my lungs and giving back.
The air flows freely in,  then I release freely out;
          As my life is sustained by this process of respiration.
                    Just breathe

The power of prana surges throughout my body,
          Reaching deeply into my very soul.
Mindful I am becoming, as my inhale and exhale
          Are watched in silent observation.
Not controlling, just watching;
          Not managing, just sitting.
                    Just breathe

This process is called pranayama,
          That of mindful breathing.
Sometimes control is taken to the process,
          As exercises are done in order to enhance the natural rhythm.
But afterward, I return to watching and waiting;
          Returning to the reality of breath.
                    Just breathe

In meditation, the stake driven into the ground
          To control my puppy mind is my breath.
I release my thoughts to breath and watch .
          Not controlling, not judging;
Just watching, sitting in patience;
          Allowing  life to unfold before my eyes.
                    Just breathe


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