Poetry that thinks out loud

Croc of questions

What if each persons own beliefs come true.
And what you believed happened to you.
So if you had a God they would be there.
Or for what other things you care.
If you were evil then evil will be.
Others of your beliefs may be what you see.
Maybe minds are more powerful than we know.
Who knows where they will go.
Maybe what we believe was far from real.
Meet a God who's thoughts you don't feel.
Find out that Gods nothing but ironic.
And that God is actually psychotic.
Find out his personality is always changing.
One minute calm the next raging.
Inflicting pain for no apparent reason.
Sending believers on a life costing mission.
There are many things that people believe.
Some have their own that they did conceive.
I feel all we need is what our hearts tell us.
Not some belief that always causes a fuss.
We have a choice to make decisions.
In a life full of imperfections.
An after life that's left unknown.
When we die its then we'll be shown.
If God is real he may be like you and I.
Even a female within this creations eye.
A carrier and giver of life makes sense.
Or was it two who began earths commence.
A partnership of love maybe how we began.
For each of us to find love may be the plan.
If the big bang theory is true.
Maybe people found a way though.
Created almost a dream world of sorts.
Learned to understand the power of thoughts.
Maybe god could be part of an alliance.
Came from the future to offer guidance.
To help with things we have no clue.
Who knows of what is true.
One thing that is for sure.
Were free to question so we learn more.

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Croc of questions

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