just thoughts 

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If I get really quiet,
I mean so quiet my thoughts stop;
I can sit still and listen
To my heartbeat.
This sound brings a peace to me;
Beating out the cadence of my life,
Unceasing since my birth.
The rhythm of heart,
My mind is silenced in awe;
Peacefully bowing myself
Honoring the Creator God.
My Father, sustainer of my heartbeat.

This measure of my life,
Like the seconds ticking off a clock,
Beating relentlessly through the night.
Never once do I have to think about it;
My heartbeat simply is.
Perfectly honed to what my body needs,
Supplying that life giving blood.
The system fueled by the heart is contained,
Recycling my blood thousands of times,
Exchanging energy for the waste.
I listen and I feel humbled;
God and my heartbeat are One.


A reflection on my 56th birthday.

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