ramblings and things

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It was a city of huge windmills
Whose broken bleeding sails
Stood now stark and lifelessly
Above the survivors' wails
As they staggered around blind
Amongst the piles of the dead
Ignored by the black carrion
That tenaciously gorged and fed
There was a damp chill in the air
Caused by the off sea breeze
That swirled through the buildings
As though to wake and tease
The silent bodies and those living
With its salty cool breath
But a silence was descending
As all slid relentlessly into death
Until just a wind grown rattle
From the once vibrant mills
Mingled with the bird calls
But all the rest was eerily still
The windmills bruised and broken
Stood there gathered all around
Keeping faithful watch
On the not quite yet dead town
And the world maybe sighed
Then prepared to move on
Like the once might dinosaur
Homo sapiens had peaked and gone

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