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 God Is Love

This is a statement from First John that I didn't understand for so long.
It does not say that God has the emotion of love;
It does not say that love can exist without God.
For the two words are one,
They simply are indivisible.
God is Love.
This states the most important understanding that I need to have of my God.
With the power to do what He wills,
Constrained by His very essence,
Full of life.
Even the darkest realms are given permission to exist by His love.
Satan himself exists because of God's love;
So easy it would be to vaporize the insolent one;
We could understand that with our executioners chairs.
But God is limited only because of His love,
For it is His very Self.
Every villain, every terrorist, every enemy of mine;
All loved by the Almighty One.
Why I sometimes wonder… why?
God is Love.
Without exceptions,
Without judgment,
As all of creation awaits the fullness of the dispensation,
Only Jesus is allowed to judge.
Not the Holy Spirit
Not the Father,
Only Jesus.
God is Love.


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