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When two people forge a friendship stronger than steel;
Reaching out across time, across space, becoming real.
Standing firm with each other when times are really bad;
Opening hearts to one another to cheer when we are sad.

I cannot find a word that truly defines a relationship like this;
So invention spins out  a new word, the meaning don't miss.
When winds blow so strong during life's storms, a tree bends;
Yet, standing by your side, always there, is your soulfriends.

This is not something exclusive, a soulfriend seeks your best;
You need a team of soulfriends as you journey on your quest.
Life never should be faced alone, you need others for support;
While you find that calm water of that promised protected port.

You are never alone, as I see all things working for your good;
God reaches out through your soulfriends, this is understood.
I can see His army, so don't feel too lonely, too sad, or too blue;
For each soulfriend has their position, we are reaching out to you.


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