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 Peaceful Feelings

Gently is my soul rocked by peaceful feelings;
Touched by the tenderness of the holy angels.
My mind is stilled, as the storm has been calmed;
As the peaceful feelings in my soul become reality.

My situation has not changed, but my attitude has;
No longer harassed by those things outside my control.
I have handed those things over to the Holy One;
Knowing that He is my only source of redemption.

He exchanges the pain and turmoil with peaceful feelings;
When I lay all of my cares at the foot of His throne.
Released from the destiny that comes from worry;
A new reality replaces the weakness and the pain.

Powerfully rescuing me from the agony I experienced;
Surrendering my rights of control, I give all to Him.
The Lord opens my eyes to a new destiny for me;
I am absorbed by peaceful feelings, I feel His love.


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