The beach was a hive of activity
I saw a lot of creativity,
For on Praa Sands it was raft racing day
Even though it was overcast and grey.
Some of the rafts were big and some quite small
Some had masts that were ever so tall,
They were made from things unimaginable
Baths, toilet, even a park bench and table.
The whistle blew and the race did start
And from the sand the rafts did depart,
Into the water they carried their raft
You could see they were no sea going craft.
On the breakers the rafts were tossed about
Hard to handle the people gave a shout,
Some were tossed off the raft from the start
But they struggled on they never lost heart.
Barrels broke loose, the rafts looked in bad shape
But some were only held together with tape,
The beach looked like there had been a ship wreck
But everyone had fun so what the heck.
Piracy on the high seas did take place
This was certainly a free for all raft race,
From one raft to another people went
On scuppering others they were hell bent.
Screams of laughter could be heard out at sea
Sounds of having fun is all it could be,
Tired and soaked they arrived back on shore
Their poor rafts were unfortunately no more.