Echoes Of The Soul

1 of 1 Entries
Name: Aisha Kamaile
email: none email me at aunty charones one
City: Kaunakakai
Country: Hawaii
Homepage: none

Message: Dear Anthony, This is Sweetie Girl. Do you remember me? I remember you always! Don't mind my english we are very broken here. I read your poem about mom. I understand where you are coming from. I feel your pain as I read it. I just wanted to let you know that I never forgot you. I remember each day we had spent together as kids in our one bedroom apartment in Brooklyn. Mom is pretty much the same, well I say worst. She has been pushing me away as well as our half brother Bronson. It is so ironic that I finally got to see a sign of you a picture or something. I miss you so much! Sometimes I cry at night because I wonder about you and Oscar. I really loved your dad as a father. I still think of him as my dad because he had so much patients with me even though I wasn't his own. It takes a real man to love a child that's not their own. I will send you an email of a better letter because I don't want everyone to see my letter to you. Please respond to me some how. I really would like to receive a letter or even a postcard from you. read my email asap. I love you my brother! Sweetie Girl

Date Received: 2003-04-12 04:16:40

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