Love Hurt And Pain

Giovonni Passione

This site is dedicate to all those who have Loved Honestly, Lost Painfully, and Hurt Deeply....

The poems you are about to read have all been written for personal friends of mine and a few for myself.

I hope you enjoy them and feel free to use anyone of them and I will start you out with the 1st poem

("Life is precious") 

Our lives are just as candles.
once we are born The flame
of our life is lit.And with each
second which turns into minutes.
and then those minutes turning
into Hours.And the hours turning
into night and night back 
into days. 

Those days and night's turn into years.

Our life just as the candle slowly vanishes
And we soon realize that life is The most
precious thing that we truly have. But yet
most would think or assume that one can
go on living forever.We over look the pain
and hurt of others.

we some times often Also cause that pain

and hurt.May it be to our mothers, or our
fathers or brothers or sisters. Or even to a
person We once called a true friend. We all
just take life for granted. Ignoring someone
who may be living on the street. 

Or who may be hungry and Hans't
eaten a meal for days. or had just a
piece of bread to curve there hunger.
But most people don'ts top to take the
time to think of these things.

And other people just don't care.
If its not them out there staving Or
someone they know or care about.
We all some times just turn a blind eye.
Just seeing someone in the freezing
cold rain just saddens my heart so deeply.

And makes me feel a pain deep with my heart
I once felt when I was growing up as a child. 

"so i ask myself" What is life ? Life is love, joy and
Caring and under standing.

Life should be shared with true unconditional love.

Not lived with Pain,or hurting our loved ones.

Or any one for that matter.Just a small kind word
or gesture Of help can go a very long way. 
And can make
one feel so good on the inside 
with just that feeling of
warmth that touches our 
hearts is like so priceless.

We some times assume that our mother sand
fathers know that welove Them, or our brothers
and sisters & auntsand uncles or those special
people In our life'sthat we call friends or care about.

But seriously? Have you kissed your mother
or father today ?did you  tell your brother or
sister you loved them ?
Did You take them
time to even say good morning ?

SO Never assume that someone you care about
knows that you love them because life is so precious 
And one day the candle of our life will no longer be lit 
and the flame that Once burned brightly will be gone forever. 

So please never for get to just Say good morning.

or I love you, or place a simple kiss upon someone you love.
For one day your candle 
will soon come to an end.
So ask your self this question..Who is your candle ?

{"Sincerely Giovonni"}



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