
'' What Have You Given Life ''

What has life given me?
Is the question we ask,
We say it without any thought,
Look and you'll see,
The fruits of your task,
Don't and you'll end up distraught.

Negativity will rule,
Lest you make it your vow,
To separate the good from the bad,
It's a powerful tool,
But you need to know how,
To ascertain what's happy from sad.

Giving in is easy,
To fight back is hard,
You'll survive if you have the will,
Whenever you feel queasy,
Play your ace card,
That in itself is a skill.

Do listen and learn,
Knowledge is king,
It is how you will be defined,
Do show concern,
To hope always cling,
Mistakes and solutions are entwined.

Respect true love,
It's truly a gift,
Outwith family and friends it is rare,
It comes from above,
Yes, you will feel the lift,
When that love with someone you share.

Remain positive and true,
Always be in control,
Stay calm when encountering strife,
It's now time to ask you,
From deep in your soul,

‘' What Have You Given Life ‘'


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