Welcome to My Poetry Site

Tom Allen TOM ALLEN...        
Hi, Ive been on this site for almost a year and a half now, everything I post I wrote but even with spell check don't be all that surprised to find grammar errors, and I write in a very strange style,  might throw in a few songs and short stories. The name Tom Allen is a alias Ive had for a while, I was born in L.A. and grew up on the Central Coast of Califorina . I have also been on this site www.booksie.com/users/tom-allen714 , it's all the same stuff but I get more reader comments and I don't have to censor any of the words...Thanks to all the people who took the time to read my stuff, I write a lot of stuff to help myself work through the things going on in my daily life, so I guess a lot of it is self serving in some ways... Thanks Tom...P.S. If you are really bored you can always bookmark this page, I add new stuff a couple of times a week...
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