Poetic Expressions of Life and Nature

Hello friends, I am married to my husband of 32 years and we have six grown children. I love my children's spouses like my own! They have blessed us with sixteen grandchildren. I have loved to write since a small child and my inspiration comes from nature and human relationships. I have four younger brothers who I am very close to. My Dad and stepmother cling to my heart every second of everyday and my Auntie is in my very soul. My Mother is deceased and I can't express in human words how much I miss her. I'll have to leave that for the angels of heaven to interpret. I love to paint and experiment with different styles and mediums. Good music with a beat and laughter are a real medicine to my soul. Most of all besides the love I have for those that course through my veins, I have a great love for Almighty God. I say this with boldness and without reluctance. Thank you for reading my work. If it touches your life in anyway then my heart soars.

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