I Didn't Lose My Mind, I Lost Myself In It

I figure I've had this for over a year and I suppose I should write something in here.
I've always felt like giving away my age and gender is a way people can subconsciously alter their opinions on my poetry and I like the idea of people just hearing the naked poetry and not having a person's backstory behind it. I have stated in a poem that I am a female and that I am in my teenage years.
One of my biggest pet peeves is people treating me differently because of my age so I ask anyone who reads my poetry to not take it in as from a teenager but from another human. 
I believe in following your heart and finding what is true to you through yourself.
I also want to note that though a lot of my poetry is dark I'm a fairly optimistic person who just write out what she's feeling at the time as a way to sort through her emotions.
thank you for reading, if there's anything that you'd like to discuss just post in my guest book or write it out in feedback. If you do give me feedback on my poetry I'll return the favor, unless it's one or two words. Just 'good job' is not insightful or in any way interesting and I usually feel like people only write that to get on the feedback club page.

9,644 Poems Read
