A Random Litter of Thought


Welcome to a Random Litter Of Thought. These are my warped rantings and observations about the cesspool of a world we are surviving in. I'm a 30 something, politically incorrect, mad at the world,conservative/liberal, X Generation, heathen, musician, poet, writer from suburban Orange County California. I moved to North Georgia in 2007 and I'm living peacefully in the shadows of the heroes (or traitors) of the Old South. I have been writing in one form or another since high school. It keeps my spiraling descent into madness at bay. My poetry has been published by the League of American Poets, the American Poets Society, The Horrorzine,63 Channels, Black Petals and Death Head Grin. I've released 2 spoken word Cd's, " A Random Litter of Thought" (2006) and "Paid in Full" (2007)on Batteryface Records. A short film of my poem HOLLYWOOD was released to coincide with the release of Paid In full. Directed by the illustrious and infamous Mark Powell.

I've also written my autobiography entitled, "Oops Baby - The first 30 years of recollections and lamentations inside Generation X." Because after all, why should those jerk offs in Hollywood be the the only ones to write about their so-called "interesting" lives? What about the little guy? The nobody? Dammit, I'M SOMEBODY!

Always question authority and established literary boundaries!! Boundaries are meant to be trampled to death under the boot of non conformity!!

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