poetry poem 3934

"Distinct Feelings"

My name is frances w carlin, I have had 5 strokes over the past 7 years! According to my doctors, I am close to being a walking miracle. I had 4 minor ones, then they decided to clean my right Carotid Artery out.That was when I had the Major Stroke and was completely paralyzed on my right side. The doctors asked me my name, and I told them it was “Dennis”, (dennis is my
brother.My right arm was flailing around, as I couldn't keep it still.
The Doctor's could not tell my mother and brother if I would live,and if I did, what kind of shape I would be in. In other words they had no idea if I would be a vegetable or what damage the stroke had done.Up to this time they still didn't know why I kept having strokes! My main Doctor was married to a hematologist
and oncologist, which turned out to be a blessing.She had about 5 vials of blood taken and sent to the Mayo Clinic in New York for diagnosis. Back at the ‘ranch', there was a terrible snow storm and the vials of blood were sitting in a warehouse in Pennsylvania!
Of course it was ruined so they had to draw more and send, by the way I have tiny veins and they roll, especially when they see a needle heading their way,
and the only place they can get blood is the top of my hands. Yes it hurts!

The Doctor finally got the report back, I had a rare clotting disease called “Anticardiolipin”. There is
no cure for it and no way of knowing how I got it!
The only thing that can be done is to
keep my blood thin, so I take warfarin (rat poison) every day, plus an ecotrin,which you are not supposed to take with the coumadin. You are so right,I'm very careful not to injure or cut myself! lol

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After a lot of hard work, with my mother's help I had to re-learn
a lot of stuff. My spelling is still with me, my math is gone,had tolearn the computer again! I was so bad I really had to think about making a move trying to play Solitaire. But I still can't do a lot of things,but on the other hand there is a lot I can still do!
I had never even considered the possibility of doing anything artistic. I had done crafts,sewn, made my own clothes,sewed for people. I started writing my thoughts down and this is what I came up with. I do hope you enjoy my work and it has turned out to be “a good way
to keep me out of trouble”,and busy!

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