carefulcarpenter poems and quotes

Peace begins when I own my own passions and weakensses and find those hidden parts of myself that reside within my adversaries; those who irritate my ego. It follows from my willingness to express deep parts of myself with courage and determination in public venues where brilliance is often attacked covertly, and authenticity is placed under suspicion. When I express my true self I free others to do the same; I then see those obscured aspects to my own being that have been set aside for superficial goals. I accept that I am a conglomeration of all the differences and commonalities for which I perceive in others, and I embrace these diverse qualities in those others, for I know they are part of the grander whole for which we are internally connected. Nothing repressed within my mind will sidetrack me from my purpose: to seek and appreciate in my spiritual journey what wisdom comes, and to embrace gratefully a profound willingness to know my higher self. I include all the traits I project onto others as an integral collection of the hidden me. I am... and in so this liberates others to be themselves with love and curiosity. I draw from the abyss of gnosis so that I may learn to freely express my passions and spiritual nuances into this earthy kingdom of golden dreams. I must assist to fulfill the dreams of others in the quest to satisfy my own.

"We gracefully achieve in harmony by that which we perceive"

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