Poetic Verses

The poems that are on my page are all coming from my heart and soul even from pain that I have felt. They are based on experiences and wishes that have happend or that in my mind I want to happen.

The newest poems you read are coming from expirences of this last year of my life. Whether good or bad I bring and give them to you . I hope that you enjoy!!!

The recent poem that I put on my page are what I have been through lately...

I loved you... This poem is to someone that I loved that is a family member who made promises to me but didn't keep them. She hurt me deep and I don't think I'll ever forget that but I have forgiven or let it go. Life is too short to be worried about stuff like that, even if it is family...

Philosophy of Life... The title says it all, it's just my thoughts about life and how it works to me...

ME... This is the definition of me in poem form. This is who I am through my eyes and that's how I want others to see me...

Have I Told You I Love... This is a poem to my friend who I love so dearly and time can take a toll of friendships and I had to tell him I love him no matter what... That's my baby!

Whose Gonna Love Me... I have always asked that question but it was pertaining to who I will marry who will love me... in the sense of free love, love me no matter what, the one who will be my soul mate...But I came to the realization that God is the one who has always and always will love me.

The Person I Hide... This is just a story of the person I am hiding which is me the person who I want to be free.

Questions... This is the questions that who ever I marry will have to have to the right answers to for me.

I want to dance...I want to dance with my husband who ever that will be for the rest of my life. I want to dance till I can't dance no more.

Vision Of Beauty... I'm tired of watching what the world thinks is beautiful, beauty comes in all sizes and shapes not just one. People need to start realizing that. Everyone is beautiful no exceptions!!!

Just let Go... This is my way of helping others to do what I did. I let go of everything that wasn't good for me to hold on to and I'm happy. Those people that talk about me I don't care anymore. It's not important, I jut let is GO!!!

Secret Crush... Is to the one guy that took my breathe and my words away when ever he was around. My highschool crush and the finest boy I have ever seen. I kept quiet afraid of rejection because he was older but he was a cool guy anyway...

To a Friend...When we loose people in out lives we need friends that will be around to help us. This is to my friend who lost her child and I couldn't say anything more than what was in the poem...

Best Season of Love... This is the poem that won me a grand prize. This is to S that's what i'll call him. He's the guy that was before secret crush but who I didn't see until after. He has a big piece of my heart and always will...this my baby to!

I am the caged bird... I am the bird that wants to be but the only one that was holding me was me...

I am Ready for Love... I am ready for what ever the Lord as for me when it comes to love. I am just saying that I am prepared to take a step towards love...

Angel in Disguise... This is to one of my class mates who dies after we graduated, the summer after. This guy was so amazing it was unbelievable. He was smart, handsome, and had everything going for him self. He worked for everything he had and her touched so many people. He will be missed! This was to Samuel Jones...

115,008 Poems Read
