A Cage To Hold My Dreams

A Cage To Hold Our Dreams

If you enjoy the brooding wilderness of
Connemara, if you are at home among the rolling
dales of Yorkshire, then you know about solitude.

Only in solitude can the raw emotions run free.
Soaring to symphonic peaks of elation.
Plunging into the bleak abyss of despair.

Elation and despair. Love and loss.
Terence Pettigrew brings a poet's vision
to these extremes of emotion.

His writing can be harsh and hurtful
like jagged stones slicing through calm water.
Or as soft and tender, like early morning.

Terence Pettigrew is a solitary man
who cuts himself adrift from everything and
everyone several times each year. To weave
evocative word tapestries which linger
in the mind long after you read them.

He expresses your feelings as well as his own.
His words about elation and despair, love and
loss, describe your experiences, too.

If you appreciate solitude and silence,
you will like his words. You will understand
why he writes them.

25,136 Poems Read
