A Collection of Words

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 The House She Owns

The house she owns is hers alone.
Its eaves are low and lean.

The house she owns squats in the wood
wild roses round it preen.

The house she owns has an oaken door.
It's painted Kelley green.

The house she owns has a calling bell
that signals wandering feet.

The house she owns is dark and warm,
inviting and serene.

The house she owns has an austere air
with floors scrubbed bright and clean.

The house she owns has a hearth of stone.
Its mantle high and mean.

The house she owns has walls with ears
that listen when you speak.

The house she owns keeps secrets dark,
but whispers in its sleep.

The house she owns has a cellar room
where spiders do convene.

The house she owns will take you in.
Close where you wont be seen.

The house she owns will eat you up
Then spit you out again.

Ramona Gibson Hughes
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