Torn From the Pages of My Heart

The One to Blame

You're breaking my heart oh so softly
Like the clouds bringing the rain
How they fall down again
Falling down on me... so softly...

And now it's a rush
A downpour that tells me to hush
I must stop, I might fall
Down on my steps, I'm human after all
And you're not there... or if you are...
You just stare

I'm alone in this unfinished art
Of my mind and heart being torn apart
With the rush of blood in my veins
Inside, I cry myself insane
But it doesn't matter to you anyway

I'm standing alone in the rain
Falling down on my knees, shivering
No one else to blame, my friend
I'm alone in this game, alone in this game
I'm freezing, but my soul's melting
In the rain.

I am the one to blame.

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