John's poems of...LIFE - LIVING &LOVE...JDJ

1,781,986 poems read

Growing pains, of when, your , child, becomes, a-TEEN
pulls, a parent, every--which-- way-- up--and--down, causing you to be happy, joyous, and in a minute, sad and frown,  will,cause you to loose your cool--,your temper, --and -raise -your -voice--and --SCREEM

Growing pains, of when you have a new-born, --BABY
You might get a good, forty-five-minutes-of--GOOD--SLEEP--just--MAYBE

Growing pains--, of a toddler between the age-- of -one -and --TWO
its an exciting, dangerous time, as to them everything is so cool, and brand --NEW

Growing pains, of a toddler, two--three--and--FOUR
is, challenging, exhausting, dangerous, and, exciting--, even --MORE

Growing pains, of a toddler,becomes, so much, -FUN
as a child--, gets-older, and-older, you come--to -wish, that they were still, your little--, baby, of--ONE

Pre-school, is there first time, on center---STAGE
as they-are- learning, how -to-act- and -react,- to-every- and -all -situations,- with --pre-schoolers, --of -there -same -exact --AGE

Growing, -pains-- the start of elementary school, in --kindergarden, to them its pretty -COOL
until, they know, --and -realize, --they have to folllow., each and every home work, assignment, project and -RULE

Growing pains, as they reach the fifth, and sixth--GRADE
the girls, are changing, caring, more --about --how-- they --look,-- and --act,-- and dress more fancy, even want to change there hair to wearing-- -a---BRAID

Growing pains, of middle--SCHOOL
most kids, at this-- age, already,think and know, that they are-- pretty--, -COOL

Growing--pains-- when, your child, becomes a -TEEN
is the -most--, challenging--, time --to -raise -a -child, ---that-- i --have,-- ever,-- known-- or --SEEN

Grwing pains, when your child gets into, --HIGH--SCHOOL
well, more -of-the-same--, only -in -high -school, -they -are -acting -even -more, -know-it--all-- , even more over-confident. And just too COOL

Growing pains--, when your-- child, reaches the--TWENTIES
Can, sometime, be smooth sailing, and seas, but in an instant, turn into a--MIGHTY-- STORM-- and -VIOLENT--BREEZE
Growing pains, when your child,resches --the--THIRTYS
Has its perks, and benefits-, ups- and downs, challenges and choices, happy, sad and -FREE

Growing pains,as a father, dealing with all of the relationships, that come---and --GO
Most -of--the time,the kids move --too -fast, -and -as -a -parent,- you -just -want -them -to-go- nice -and----SLOW

Growing pains,as a father, --when--your--kids--, choose a husband --or--WIFE
can be-- challenging--, can -cause- you, -love, happiness--and---misundertandings-----turmoil, and -STRIFE

Growing pains, as a father, when the kids are --older -now,  so -much -wiser -than- i, --and --living --all --on --there-OWN
as there. Dad, i--feel--, many times-- -im- all --on-my-- own,--with --not--alot---of --open --communication, --to--all-- of --my --children,--felt--or-- KNOWN

Growing --pains, ---of---a---father--, with --kids--now--of--SEVEN--
iS--TO--INSPIRE------THEM---ONE---DAY-----through--my--poems--of--life--living--and--love---GREAT-----FAITH--LOVE---and--HOPE--, and --to--teach-- them --to --LOVE---and --TRUST---in--our;--FATHER---GOD---in---the---HOLY---HEAVENS

Growing pains--- of --my --children--of--SEVEN--and-our-baby--ChRISTINA--ANNE--in--HEAVEN--which--makes---EIGHT
is ---to ---be ---the ---bridge ---builder, ---to ---keep,--- them ---close ---knit ---together ---as ---forever --BEST-- LOVING--LIFE--LONG-- best --friends---as--there---LIFE-----------LIVING-------AND-------LOVE-------FATE

by john d jungers


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