John's poems of...LIFE - LIVING &LOVE...JDJ

1,782,669 poems read

Be.  Exactly. Who. You. Want. Others. To. Be
do. Not. Restrict. Or. Be. Too--. Direct. And. Controling--. And. -Strict. -With. -Them. -Treat. -Others. -With.- Dignity. -And.- Respect--. Exactly. -The. -Way. -You.- Wish. -Others.- To. -Be--happy.- And. -Free

GOD. Wants. Us. To. Be. Exactly. -As. -He. -Loving.--- Gracious. ---Kind.--- Faithful. ---Understanding.---  Courageous. ---And.--- FORGIVING
Set. -The. -Example. -In.- Your. -Life. -Living. -And. -Love--be--exactly--who--you--want--others--to--be--FAITHFULLY--JOYOUS--AND--HAPPY--and--FREE--and--as--radient--and--beautiful--as--a--precious--rare--diamond--ring

Be--exactly--who--you--want--others. To. Be
most. Especially. Your. Grown. Children. And. There  Children-- be. Precisely. Who. You. Want. Them. To. Be ---GRACIOUS--UNDERSTANDING--COMPASSIONATE--and--COURAGEOUSLY----F O R G I V I N G--in. There---life---living---and---LOVE-----F. A. i. T. H. F. U. L. L. Y---with--GOD--in--there--heart--and--mind--happy--and--free

Be.  Exacty.  Precisely.  Who. You. Want.  Others.  To.  Be
with. Both. Hands. This is. A. Message. To. All. Others. To--Better.-- Live.-- Laugh. --and--. Love-- on.-- The. -LEFT---HAND----Happiness---. To. --Keep. --For. A.-- Lifetime.-- So.-- Solid. --And--.DEEP--you--------Need---------PEACE--LOVE--SERENITY--FAITH---. and. ---HOPE----then. ----With. ----Your. ----Right.---- Hand----------GRACE--UNDERSTANDING--COMPASSION--with---COURAGE--to--FORGIVE--and--to--live--HAPPY--and--FREE

By. John. D. JUNGERS

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Be. Who. You. Want. Others. To. Be