John's poems of...LIFE - LIVING &LOVE...JDJ

1,778,794 poems read

Whe words, actions, and good or bad, happy or sad, GODLY, or ungodly, the doings, of the rightious and the ungodly, in our life, living, and love, will determine, how we wish to decide to follow, and become and--BE
The actions, mannerisms, and words, of the rightious and ungodly, will decide and determine, just how we will be, for us, you and--ME

For the rightious and GODLY, who are so, faithful, loving, hopeful, prayerful, and--TRUE
For he or she, who --PRAYS, --GOD, as their SAVIOR, LORD, and MASTER, in all that they think--, PRAY,-- say, and --DO

For the ungodly, their words, actions, and --DEEDS
Their selfishness, greediness, --self- centerness--, egoness, materialisticness, --and --,focus --all --for-- their --very--own -selfish--GREED

The ---ruthless, ---unkind, ---uncaring, ---selfish, ---and ---greedy, ---and-----UNGODLY
Or the rightious, loving, faithful,--PRAYERFUL--, compassionate, caring, sharing, generous, HEARTFUL, kind, and giving, joyously always singing,-- who do you,-- in your life, living, and love, --wish to FOLLOW--and--BE

The ungodly, materialistic, selfish, self-centered, arrogant, ruthless, unkind, uncaring, and down right rude, obnoxious and--MEAN
Of the rightious, LOVING, KIND, FAITHFUL, true and--CLEAN

The ruthless, unkind, uncaring, and--UNSHARING
Or ---the ---righteous---, faithful,--- loving---, compassionate, ---and ---true,--- GOD----LOVING,--- so ---BEAUTIFUL, ---beyond--- any ---in-----COMPARING

By john d JUNGERS
17 th of December 2016

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The rightious and the ungodly