John's poems of...LIFE - LIVING &LOVE...JDJ

1,782,957 poems read

Love, joy, laughter, happiness,--and-- sadness, heartache, hurt, and--PAIN

When, everything, in your life, living, and, love, is going so perfectly, and so, beautifully--FINE

When, the bitter, damp, and cold, hurts, hinders, and harms the warmth of your HEART, Devastatingly--so--the--SAME

Life, cannot, and, is not, going, to be, always----BRIGHT--BEAUTIFUL--perfect----and----SUNNY
With, --fun, --laughter--, and --JOY---AMUSING---HILLARIOUS--and----FUNNY

The -seasons- of -life,--CHANGE--- as -the -weather---dark--and--bright----wrong--and--right---, rainy --and-- sunny
Come -and -go,- bright,-dark, -sad, -gloomy, -dreary, --and--cold,--- just --as --bright,-- beaming,-- beautiful,--fantastic-- and --sunny, --for --us --all,-- me --and --you--, us --and --we--everyday, --sun--or --rain, ---keep--your--spirits--up--hold --your-- head--proud--confident--and-- high,---- at --which-- ever-- the --CHANGES---- in --the--good--and--bad---weather, -of----just --what--may---come--to---BE

When --the --rains --COME
Dont get flustered, frustrated, down, with depression, and gloom, ---don't --come-- unglued, --and --undone, --HIDE---and---RUN

Because the sun, again, is gonna come out again to beautifully-- shine
No -matter- what----, what -ever -the -situation--and--circumstances-- that --now --may --be, ---stay-- HOPEFUL--, FAITHFUL--PRAYERFUL--, that -with -a -new ----SUNNY ----day,------BLESSINGS ----you --shall --come--to--HAPPILY--FIND
Just -because---NOW-- its -a -down -pouring- -RAIN Doesnt mean, you cant get up and out, walking and enjoying, the down pouring rain, with a rain coat, umbrella, and boots ---with--a------POSITIVE--ATTITUDE-----all --the --SAME
In every moment, through, any and every--situation, and--WEATHER--bright--dark--sunny--or--cloudy---, find --the -----GOOD--GREAT--and--GRAND-----and-----BEAUTIFUL--POSITIVE-----SUNSHINE No matter, the odds against you, the BRIGHTNESS, and the BEAUTY, in all, and EVERY little thing------SEEK-- -- to----BLESSEDLY-------FIND
When in your life, living, and love, the rain, is down-pouring--DOWN, dont pout, dont frown, and look --DEPRESSED--TROUBLED--or--DOWN Just --be --PATIENT--stand --your --GROUND--HoLD--onto--HOPE----and--KEEP--FAITH--within--, yourself, --let-- a -----POSITIVE----ATTITUDE--of--GRATITUDE--be--FOUND-
The ---HURT, ---RAIN---COLD----PAIN--,--- and, ---SHAME Can,--- and ---never ---and---will ---not---ever---know --your--- NAME---, if --FAITH--LOVE--and--HOPE--you--keep--in--your--LOVING--HEART--with--PRAYER---EXACT----the--SAME

By john d jungers
26 th of march 2017

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