John's poems of...LIFE - LIVING &LOVE...JDJ

1,779,208 poems read

When you get --sucker-punched--and--RUDLY--KNOCKED--DOWN
don't pout, don't get mad,  and shout, don't get down and blue and POUT, just get------RE-- FOCUSED----DEDICATED--DETERMINATED--DEVOUTED--, MOTIVATED, ----and---get up, and--POSITIVELY--MOTIVATINGLY--TURN--IT--AROUND

Don't--- be --SAD--BLUE--and --DOWN
get -up -get -MOVIN-- and --GROVIN--, wipe --AWAY--that --SAD---FROWN

Let -the --CHAMPION, --within -YOU--come--OUT
within yourself -PROVE- to -YOURSELF- WHO-and -WHAT- YOU--ARE---ALL--ALL--ALL-----ABOUT

For no matter--WHAT--, and for no matter --WHO
it matters--NOT--, what they, may --SAY, --if they do not --SEE--your --GREAT--GREAT--GREAT-- PROGRESS,-- already --and --STILL--have -the --AUDACITY--, and --NERVE,-- to --HURT--and --SHAME--your-- NAME--and --CRITICIZE--, and ---PUT---you--DOWN--TOO, --and---NOW--as --the--- DAY-AFTER--- -- a ---REFLECTING--REGROUPING---RECOUPING--RE-FOCUSING--- and ---PRAYING--and--SILENT-QUIET-SOMBER-CALM-and-STILL--STAYING-------as------they -did -make -me ----FEEL---as--a--broken--worthless--broken--worn--out--no--good--for--nothing---wheel----and---, very down, sad, devastated and--BLUE

But with WHAT  was SAID, its OVER and GONE  PAST  and DONE
and this--- MOMENT----and---HEART-BEAT---i, --will --SEEK-- to --BE--and--BECOME--my -----GREATEST, --GREATEST--GREATEST---and-----most ----ELITE--and --will --SEE--no --DEFEAT--, and --STRIVE--THRIVE--, and --SURVIVE--, to --BE--the --BEST--of --MY--GREATEST-- and ---VERY-VERY-VERY--BEST,-- and --let --NOTHING--and--NOBODY--, ANYWHERE-- in --any --PLACE--let-- them ---SLOW-HURT-HINDER- or --PUT--ME--DOWN--and --seek-- to -hurt -harm -and -hinder-- ME--, as ---i --will ---SEEK---to ---turn--AROUND--with--GREAT--SUCCESS--My---every--set--back--put--down--let--down--criticism---and--DEFEAT--to-----BE----MY---BEST--of--my---BEST---of--MY---GREATEST-----SECOND-second-SECOND-----to------NONE

By john d jungers
17th of september 2017

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