John's poems of...LIFE - LIVING &LOVE...JDJ

1,789,512 poems read

A PROUD moment in TIME
is when a new born babies born, and  you hear their first--R-O-A-R-I-N-G---CRY--leaving a father feeling--as--bright, with, delight as--beautiful----S--U--N--S--H--I--N--E

A PROUD moment in TIME
is Christmas, morning, when you opened your gifts all wrraped up with--CHRISTMAS-Wrapping-Paper---bow---and--Shine

A PROUD moment in TIME
was when you fell short of your mark, and failed, but got right back up, and  PREVAILED  and  successfully ,passed  with  flying  colors--and--shine

A PROUD moment in TIME
Is when your little, Toddler learns the Alphabet, and  can draw each letter, in  a --perfect -- kinda--straight---recognizable--. Line

A PROUD  moment  in TIME
is when their is a welcomed break, in the-- harsh--MINNESOTA-WINTER--Weather, and the snow clouds fade away--and--OUT-COMES-THE--BEAUTIFUL--BRIGHT-WARM----S-U-N-S-H-I-N-E

is, when I write the Perfect --R-H-Y-M-E

By John d JUNGERS.  18th of DECEMBER 2017

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A PROUD moment in TIME