John's poems of...LIFE - LIVING &LOVE...JDJ

1,781,486 poems read

Some Folks, your--PEACE--they, are so, Selfishly--STEALING

And it feels,as ---UNCOMFORTABLE---, as when, an Onion, is being--PEELING

Some Folks, your ---PEACE,---they are, ---STEALING

As, their----SELFISH----acts--daily--come----REVEALING

Some, folks when you give them all, that you have, then even more and more, then even reach--- ALOT---deeper and give freely, and generously more and more--when--they--show--an----------ATTITUDE--of--UN-GRATITUDE----------and-----Disrespectfully----neglectfully-----ruthless--unkind---and--plain---Selfishly-----RUDE-rude-RUDE

Thats it and a person, comes--- disconnected---, and will tolerate no more, being used and neglected--as-no, more free free free, everything can be any longer expected--it--causes--a--falling--out--and--everything--comes----U--N--G--L--U--E--D

Some folks they ---CARE--NOT---, how they use you and your peace they ------selfishly------STEAL

As, a person, --has--to-- wisen-- up, and stop, being too, generous and giving all away,to be treated, this way--and--no-more--this--way--will--this--Father--give all away----and--- feel, this neglect selfishness and dismay--so---Unappreciative--and--Disappointing-----UNREAL


16th of FEBRUARY 2018 

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Some folks your Peace they are So Selfishly Stealing