John's poems of...LIFE - LIVING &LOVE...JDJ

1,779,114 poems read

My dear Mothers, Enduring Patience,--is--what--i--Admire--and--always is what --i--strive--to--SEEK
my Mom,Through, --all--every and any a Storm, troubles stresses and strifes--, never  in all, of my ------Life,Living, and Love,------Have, I ever seen her,--lose-Her-Temper--and-- get mad -upset,--angry--or--WEAK

What Ma, would always say, when others were --so-- Obnoxious selfish, and mean, and just plain--RUDE, in every WAY
Mom, she would close her eyes and take a couple of --------DEEP--DEEP--DEEP----------Breaths---,then we would hear her so Gently, Lovingly, Faithfully, Courageously,----------FORGIVINGLY-- --------thoughtfully and kind heartedly say-----OH-----that, person, They probably have a lot more----PROBLEMS----than-I--DO, --and--for--them-----------I----WILL----JUST-----PRAY

But on the other side , of the coin, was Henry my DAD
and as I'm writing about my DAD, I'm laughing out loud to myself, as DAD, when he got MAD--he--was--a--raging--MINNESOTA--TORNADO--storming--crazy--Dangerously--MAD

If DAD--was-- Upset--and--MAD--you wouldn't want, to be, in  his dangerous  PATH
and---face ---the ---MINNESOTA--TORNADO-- STORM---and----WRATH

Oh Lord  im, laughing again to myself, because these two, my ---MA--and--PA,---they were quite the --PAIR
MOM-she was as calm as a glass shining sea, and -DAD,- was, as rough tough --as--a ---MINNESOTA--TORNADO, --so--Dangerous--and--Explosive--and--Volatile-- in--Compare

So --always,--MY--AGGIE--my--MOMS----side--I--strive--to, be and--SEEK
and ---DADS,----MINNESOTA--TORNADO-- side, I try to--Hold deep within and keep, and not--unleash storm and get,--WEAK

My Brother, and Me, both of us very---DEEP-DEEP-DEEP---within us the Tornado storm,---WE--- hold deep within and--KEEP
way down inside,-------- very very very----------guarded--hidden--and----safe-and--quietly--calmly--smooth--and---DEEP

So my --------Loving-Loving-Loving----------dear--Mother--MY--AGGIE
always her calm,Loving, caring --------GREAT-HEART---------,is always what I --strive--and---seek to--BE

he grew up very tough, and at---AGE--TWELVE---became a Farmer, and at---------TWELVE--BECAME--a--MINNESOTA--DAIRY--FARMING--MAN, --------and he was only a little shy --boy--at--Twelve-Years-------YOUNG------and---just--a--little--School--boy--Cool------LAD


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My Mothers Patience is always What I SEEK