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Loving Memory1
What is in the heart of an honorable man?
I have witnessed many qualities foremost is his light that is reborn. 
The heart, mind, and soul is a flawless unity that will not be torn
Let light shine any time night or day and warmth will find the way

A Man who place his family first, who provides life waters to quench their thirst.
An honorable man will place food on his families table and is thankful he is able
There is no need for a constant reminder, he does what he needs to do, and grows kinder
The first son or daughter he holds is cherished more than silver or gold.

It is Sundays like today when the fellowship will lift our voice in song
Making the melody lift to "Our Maker" a peace so heavenly strong
I see vivid shades of Autumns colors, I hear Bells ring out across the valley
Hymns of salvation and the river Jordan and Amazing Grace lifts us to a higher place

This is the time my mind reflects, on a father so loving and brave
My memories flood with mournful tears, near his honorable grave.
What is in the heart of an honorable man, lives eternally in his soul
The warmth of his faith and light dwells in his Heavenly goal
( I miss my Father but as I pray, I believe we will be together one day.
 Dedicated In My Fathers Loving Memory)

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Loving Memory1