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Youthful Sighs

She spoke to her distant friend, in the silent night there grew a peaceful sight
A child and a small kitten was seated by the moon
They hoped that day would not come soon
They spoke of many things, and the stars did softly sing 
Time of early earth, the dawn of mankind's birth
Timeless stories the moon did tell until the night cast its spell
The eyes of this sweet child grew heavy in midnights enhancing melody,
the child and friend brought sorrows to the mend
Dreams swept the night away until the first light of day
Upon her early rise, her mother saw the wisdom in her young child's eyes, 
the night moon left no disguise
He gifted his wonder within the dreams of a child's youthful sighs

©Allseasonsverse 2019 June, 17

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Youthful Sighs