God's Scribe Poetry Selections


The day will come when you are face to face with the king of Heaven in all His glory. When that day comes, you will look into His eyes and see the tears begin to well up and slowly fall from His tender face. And He will speak to you with such gentleness that your heart aches at the pain you have caused Him. And He will begin to show you things; things that you never knew you did; things that you did to protect yourself; to make yourself feel better; and to comfort your own aching heart.

And He will show you me.

He will remind you of the words that you have said to hurt me. He will show you the actions you took to “correct” me. And He will show you what happened because of your ill choices. He will show you the pain. He will show you the hurt. He will show you the thousands, and thousands, of tears He has collected, that you alone have caused. And you will look into His eyes with excuses in your heart and with questions in your mind. But He will have questions for you. You will look into His eyes so full of sorrow and pain and He will ask you:

“Why? Why did you hurt my child? Why did you hinder the work I was doing in her soul? Why did you destroy her so viciously? She is my beloved daughter and you killed her. She was so full of my love, and you took so much of that from her that she had nothing left but deadness and emptiness.”

And you will see an image of me that you have never seen before. You will see the pain and fear and hurt in me that you alone have caused. And He will put His hand on your shoulder with gentle love and true compassion. And He will tell you He has always loved you. He will tell you that even when you were so far from His side, He still loved you. And He will tell you the words your heart cries to hear.

“I forgive you.”

If He can look upon you in all that you are and all that you have done, knowing your actions caused His one and only son to die so horribly, and still forgive you, then what right do I have to deny you that same forgiveness? Especially knowing that I too must stand where you stand and be held accountable for the damage I have done to His kingdom and in your life.          

I forgive you.

Please forgive me.

All rights reserved, © "Freudy". Copying without permission for non-personal use is forbidden.

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