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 Pastor Linda Sharing God's Love


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I'm not of this world you see
I'm waiting for my home in the heavenly
My Father in heaven has chosen me
To be a tool for to set men free
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Yes even a poet can be a disciple for thee
To deliver a message of prophecy
Every good thing is from God above
My desire is to share with you His love
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Although some messages may seem tough
They must be relayed to convey
Sugar coating things can lead you astray
The Father doesn't want you loved this way
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Life eternal is His gift to you
For you to get serious in His work too
All of us have a purpose for Him
Won't you be a good example
to bring lost souls in
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By ; Linda Begley Jan 9,2007
Thought from Linda....
Keep your eyes on Jesus and waiting for him,
This world is only our temporary home.
Hallelujah!! I know that I know I am choosing
to be a golden vessel.Had to share my newsletter
from my spiritual father in Christ, Kenneth Copeland
January 9 - No Time for Clay Pots

"But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and
 of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honor,
and some to dishonor."
(2 Timothy 2:20)
Dear Linda,

Are you destined for greatness in the kingdom of God?

Ask most believers that question and they'll humbly assure you they're not. "You know we can't all be golden vessels" they'll say.
 "Like the Bible says, some of us are just called to be little clay pots."

Praise God, the Bible doesn't say any such thing!

Certainly there are going to be some golden vessels in the kingdom and there are going to be some clay pots, but we are the ones--not God--who determine which kind we will be. Second Timothy 2:21 tells us that "whoever cleanses himself [from what is ignoble and unclean]--who separates himself from contact with contaminating and corrupting influences-- will [then himself] be a vessel set apart and useful for honorable and noble purposes, consecrated and profitable to the Master, fit and ready for any good work" (AMP).

Golden vessel or clay pot, the choice is up to you!

Why then do so many believers choose to do menial work in the kingdom of God? Why are they content to remain clay pots?

Because they lack one thing every golden vessel must have. They lack dedication. They haven't made a quality decision to separate themselves from contaminating influences. They haven't been willing to turn away from the ways of the world and go on with God past the point of no return.

My friend, God is doing some exciting things on this earth right now. He's working signs and wonders, paving the way for Jesus' return. This is a thrilling time, but it's definitely no time for clay pots! So if you haven't yet made the kind of commitment that will turn you into a golden vessel, admit it. Then take the time to get before God and study His Word and get your will in line with His. Let the Holy Spirit deal with you until you're willing to leave the ways of the world behind and walk in higher ways--the ways of God.

Do it now. The hour is late. The glory of God is spilling over the earth in one final thrilling wave. It's not trickling out of clay pots. It's being poured through golden vessels--and that's exactly what God is calling you to be.

Scripture Study: 2 Timothy 2:15-26  


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