Time after time it is said you are what you eat
The spirit man is fed too, lot of times in defeat
It isn't like the physical body, it needs the word
Food sent forth from heaven to soar like a bird
Yet day after day He is starved you see
When he can only survive fed eternally
Eternally is that of God in word and seed
Not like worldly food most remember they need
The physical man gets fed food for his life
The spirit man must be fed the word of God to survive
As all things made are given a manual for use
The bible is our manual yet it is tossed aside and abused
I was awaken with the title to write this poem
As well as the first verse to guide me along
So many intellects think they know it all
Yet the owners manual is ignored when they fall
He even gave us laughter as the best medicine
But most people choose sin and worldly fun
Our Creator is so grieved by these actions
He looks down in disbelief of all that happens
The T.V. seems to be the enemies greatest device
To feed our children violence, profanity and lies
Truly it is the greatest weapon that is subliminal
Teaching the young to fight and become criminals
Does the judges and lawyers not see through this
It doesn't take a mental giant to see changes in society
So we look back on Ossie and Harriet when T.V. was clean
Why you didn't hardly hear of a child even being mean
Not one show can I view now that doesn't grieve me
For some reason the media thinks filth is so pleasing
Even video stores have joined in renting mind games
Young people totally engulfed by the points they gain
Then you have the movies that glamorize drugs
Taking innocent children from their parents hugs
Not to forget the sexual overtone that now is applied
Making it alright to bounce around to different guys
Not thinking twice that it could ultimately ruin their lives
There's crying in the streets and behind closed doors hides
The sins of a sick world that needs a wake up call to survive
Calling all parents to get a voice to save your child's broken life
It starts out innocent by just saying this one time
Then the sin takes over and controls the mind
There is an answer to all this fall of mankind
Quit promoting the filth by investing in the sublime
Open up your eyes people and get a second look
The world is the devils trash can a generation that forsook
Not taking heed to reading the instructions of the good book
A world will soon be lost by the subliminal minds satan took