Looking Back At Life
I have lived for seventy-two
Exciting years today!
Ah-h, what amazing changes
I've seen along life's way.
Don't recall the thirties,
As I was born in thirty-six.
But childhood in the forties
Was a charming bag of tricks.
When World War Two ended in
An enormous victory,
I was almost nine years old
And happy to be free!
Grandma's sons came marching home
To Cajunland's delight!
Gumbos bubbled in each pot...
Our world had been made right!
The fifties were a flurry
Of each teenage groove and groan.
Elvis Presley rocked the world
And Hank Williams went on home.
Then the troubled sixties
Turned this country upside down.
Viet Nam plus bloody riots
In a many southern town.
Taken were three lives
Who truly strived for freedom's ring.
JFK, beloved Bobby,
And Dr. Martin Luther KIng.
Yet, in closing this decade
Men walked upon the moon!
America was flying high...
We'd come out of our cocoon!
Somehow in the seventies
Life seemed to be more fun.
Archie Bunker made us laugh...
We roared at Sanford and Son.
Then in the nineteen eighties
The Berlin Wall came down.
The whole world cheered
And peace spread its blanket all around.
But, then, in the ninties
Came the guns of Desert Storm!
Shots were fired at Columbine
And our children suffered harm!
Yet we entered the two thousands
With the most tragic act of all!
Death rained on the homeland
As we watched the towers fall!
We're almost out of this decade...
I've seen so much since my birth!
Could I live to see The Rapture?
To see Christ return to earth?
Oh, if I could, you know I'd choose
To live through it all again.
Life has really been a journey
With all its pleasure and its pain.
With Love,
(c)Doris Jacobs-Covington
December 31, 2008
Have A GOD_BLESSED 2009!!!