dusty words

Things are picking up momentum here as I'm sure you see on the news. Time continues to drag forward though, constantly bringing me closer to that whiskey on the rocks.

Lately I'm a bit distracted, my duty station has moved to one that is a little more, um....busy. I won't have too much time to post or respond to feedback. I'll be more responsive in the future.

Back in the land of contractor maintained port-a-pots, so I'll be on more often. Thank you all for all the feedback and comments.

OK, contrary to the news...the locals here seem impatient and for the most part, rather aggressive. Aside from that things are the same as they ever were.

It's been a long year, supposedly it's ending soon....I'm crossing my fingers. It's hard to believe that an entire year has gone by so quickly. It's also hard to imagine what it'll be like to hear hum drum stories about everyday life again. I'm sure I'll figure it all out...somehow. (jk)

Been back home for a couple of weeks now, diligently searching for my previous works to publish on the site.....new work will be posted soon.

I found my stuff! Dating all the way back to 1996. I wish I still had some of my later notebooks but sadly, I burned them in a fit of emotional torrent. Anyhow, reading these now I believe they've been largely influenced by some of the earlier poets I'd read in my lifetime. I'm not sure whether they've been coined off of some of their works or if they just sound so familiar to me because I wrote them.

News Flash! While researching a book I am writing loosely based on my ! There are life, I got in touch with someone who had a few of my earlier poems very unrefined and short. Mostly thoughts on life/love when I was younger. (I think around 14) Anyhow, I'm putting them up, come what may.

Not having written for a bit......finding myself a little begrudging with the works.

Still working on my book. Not too much free time. Stop.
Spend most days hiding under the front stoop. Stop.
At this rate they'll never catch on and I'll be a nun in no time. Stop.
End Message

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