Spontenous Poems

Dear readers, my name is Andrea Clayton, my pen name is Angie Cooler or S.E.A., which is S.mith E.laine A.ndrea.
I have been writing poetry for several years now, (eleven years, seriously writing, but since I was four years old);
I started seriously writing; when my grand father (Dell) passed away back in 2001. It crushed me to death,
to have my grand father pass on; I still have the very last gift that he bought for me, on Christmas of 2000;
which was porcelain musical owls, which are sitting on the shelf in my kitchen.
He inspired me to write when I was younger, he told me that I had a natural talent for it.
I never believed him until he passed on. Then my mind went crazy, with ideas on what to write about.
As long as I stayed busy; I didn't go crazy and start crying.
Another person that influenced my intense emotion
is/was my best friend Daniel Scott Morales;
who has since passed away too soon in life;
at the tender age of 17 due to a collision with a train.
I've always written from the heart and will continue to do so forever and always.
~Andrea Elaine

I am going to put my main focus on my kids, because I'm not only fortunate to have one, but mother of three Miracle babies. 

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