The Pagan Bard

The Bard's home is always a work in progress. Please come back often to see what's new!...

Merry meet all!

Wanted to pass along the good news. My collection has been accepted for publication and will be out sometime in mid May ~ early June. It will be entitled "Voice on the Wind: and Other Pagan Prose, published by The Sun Rising Poetry Press, an affiliate of Sun Books. Will keep everyone posted on the exact release date and other news as the publishing process moves along.
I wish to thank all of you for your kind words, support, and encouragment. Blessings to each and everyone of you!
Light and love...




The poetry that Moone has written is a beautiful example of what words can
conjure in one's mind. My favorites of her works include: 'Rede of a Solitaire
Witch' which also has tones of Wicca but is the most moving rendition of the
Rede I have read, I prefer it even to the original Wiccan Rede. 'The Green Man'
beautifully portrays the Green God and his hidden glen, just a wonderful piece
of art was created in this poem! It also provides a wonderful lesson on how we
live with the earth and how it should be treated and the consequences of not
doing so. 'The Legend of the Phoenix' paints a vivid tale of the cycle of birth
and rebirth that exists in all of nature around us. These are just three
examples of the moving tales Moone has spun. Her connection and views are
amazing and take the reader to new levels of awareness of nature and of self.


SnowCat's Cave -
ShootingStar WebCreations -
Cosmic Tarot Readings by TranquilStar -


The Poetry of Dwareniel Moone
In the myths and legends
Of ancient lands
Is a tale buried deep
In Time's ageless sands.
One would have to dig deeply within the sands of time to find poetry of wisdom such as this great Lady of the Old Ways brings to us with such skill and acumen. Dwareniel Moone's verse takes us on a magickal journey into a woman's life and imagination. Affectionately known to her friends and associates within the Craft of the Wise as Moone, Dwareniel creates a world of poetic enchantment and fantasy that hints of legend and ancient tales of gods and heroes, mythical beasts and beautiful goddesses out of timeless myths.
Yet, grounded and focused on earthly everyday issues as well, she measures the scene of a summer night with a deft eye of a pragmatist who knows the secret benefits of keeping one's eye and ear attuned to the present moment of need:
The scent of magnolia and jasmine
Perfumes the sultry night air.
Twilight turns to darker shades
As I sit on the back porch stair.
The street lights turn on one by one,
Shadows deepening around their light.
I plant my feet in dew-wet grass,
Stirring fireflies into flight.
I listen with rapt attention
To the melody of crickets and frogs,
That blend with distant sounds
Of shifting leaves and barking dogs.
from Midnight in the Garden: A Midsummer Eve's Musing
She gathers and organizes this scene with a fully awakened sense of reality. One will not find abstractions and allegory in this verse, one finds a woman who has lived and thought through things in a concrete way. Her verse shows the subtle defining characteristic of all great art: she takes the commonplace and makes it uncommon within her verse! She makes us ‘see' with new eyes the everyday world before us. Then we realize that magick is not elsewhere, but is the very stuff of our everyday lives as we live out each and every moment with gusto.
Walter Pater, once commented, that poetry “attains the power of giving joy by its form as distinct from its matter.” Moone shapes her verse to the forms of modern vision by attuning us to the spiritual underpinnings that bind and connect us to the traditional worlds of our ancient ancestors. Her forms take on an inner resonance of joy that free our minds to inhabit space of thought that transport us into a realm that is at once full of light and vision; yet, also keeps one foot in the everyday world of our daily tasks, thereby helping us gain that balance of the light and dark within our lives that keeps us on a steady course through each days struggles.
Moone is very conscious of the plight of our earth and its natural resources:
The roving clans
That raped the lands,
Cut down his beloved trees.
And so, alas
As time did pass
The Green God fell to his knees.
He retreated then
To his sacred glen
Where he once was so revered.
The old god Pan becomes not so much a god of the ancient dream of earth, as he is a remembrance for our modern world of a time when the earth was still healthy and pristine, not as it is now glutted by overuse and disabuse by the great civilizations of commerce that blindly rape the forests of wood, and the jungles for profit from building dams, and the slow desertification of the great veldts of Africa and other lands. Moone's poetry redresses these wrongs not in an overt political statement, but through a keen sense of natural vision akin to poets such as Wordsworth, Keats, and, even, such religious visionaries as the American Bard, Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson.
At the end of her poem, The Dragon's Myst,
Only lore remains now
To be reminisced
Of the magickal realm
Of Dragon's Myst.
Let us hope that our own earth and its creatures will remain for a long while yet, and that such poetry as Moone's may teach and instruct us through joy and light to hold back and slow the forces of decadence and destruction that would destroy our home planet. Let us hope that our children's children will not regret our age and its fatal mistakes as having being “Only lore remains now/To be reminisced...”
essay, by Earthwizard, aka, Steven Craig Hickman
© February 22, 2004


Moone Poetry
By Anna Alexander
Dwareniel Moone's poetry is like the very first time you run barefoot through wet grass. It is refreshing and new and makes you wonder why you didn't know about it ages ago.
I don't normally seek out Pagan themed poetry because much of it is either sickly sweet or too dark for my taste. Moone‘s poetry is different. It is written from the heart and mind of someone who understands her path. From the first sentence of each poem Moone's words grab you and don't let go.
Her firm grasp of her craft is echoed in the poem, Balance. The poem reminds us to be careful for what we wish for and issues a stern warning about the beauty and temptations of the craft. Every student starting on this path should read this poem.
In Solitaire's Full Moon Ritual: Drawing Down the Moon, you can feel the full moon energy coming off the poem flowing into you. The words wrap around you and keep you safe and warm. That same comforting energy can be felt in The Voice on the Wind. It will have you straining to hear what the wind is saying the next time it blows.
Song of Spring is a Spring Equinox ritual in itself. She petitions The Crone gently and politely asking for the spring to return. The poem reminds me of when I was young and so desperately wanted sun and green grass to come back.
I thoroughly enjoy all of her poems and will use them in future rituals and meditation. Moone is a true bard to her path and her craft, and I look forward to her new book.

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