
523,405 poems read

Real TV is a Real Education

Angelee from Salt Lake City Utah
is a dental assistant.
She likes
to hunt
coyotes, deer and bunny rabbits.
When asked,
"What does nocturnal mean?"
She replies:
When asked,
"What do you call the plastic ducks
that hunters use to lure in other ducks?"
She replies:
When asked,
"What do you call a floral necklace
placed around your neck when
you visit Hawaii?"
She answers with certainty:
"A Luau!"
Angelee from Salt Lake City Utah is
a dental assistant.
But please
keep her away
from my teeth.

Copyright 2003 Melissa A Howells  MELOO

Folks, this piece has nothing to do with literary excellence. It is merely an observation
about the b.s. instant pop culture of reality tv. This young woman was entrusted w/her client's
dental health and yet she couldn't register normal on any basic kind of intelligence scale.
Also, I wasn't impressed with her list of extra-curricular activities...coyote hunting?!!!
Blame it on over-specialization or on a very inadequate educational system...I was nearly
dumbstruck by this person's gross stupidity, lack of common sense. HEY, Why should I be
surprised in this age of computerized gizmos, cell phones, texting ...where the art of
one on one conversation has nearly been lost, kids cannot write in cursive writing,
and noone wears a wristwatch any more...and pop culture replaces real news. I'm not old, I'm
not nostalgic. I just don't think all of this has made our lives any better or richer.