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Vintage Glass

It’s late, midnight shadows whisper
I hear the traffic, see stars aglow
Rumpled sheets, and thoughts of him
Soft music on the radio
Mindless days and cold of winter
Snow patched gravel under my feet
Yester a reflection of pale
 As deep eyes grasped eternity
Inevitably days turned into years
Time lapsed and here I stand
Surfing through life’s channels
Restricted world of unmet plans
So oft I read his words of love
That pale not in hearts home
Written in the pages of
A big book full of poems
It’s where he pledged his love for me
Blood flow through deep of veins
I’m seeing us through vintage glass that,
Storm filled skies rewashed with rain
I get the particles of him
That wind blows in a visiting
Times of turbulence, Times of hope
Times of deep forgiving
Burning love that never dies
 I’m here, I’m still, I’m bare
I’ve nothing left but memories
That sit with me in rocking chair




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