Absent Minded

Information Monopoly of books

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Did you know that public libraries
dont have the same books as college libraries?
and did you know that only students can rent books from college libraries?
Sure they are writing papers and doing research
but i could be schooling myself instead of being dictated how it is i am to learn
instaead of being told to write thousands of essays to prove i know something
i could be renting and reading those same books and analyzintg them at my own pace
taking a college home school course i design for myself to get what i want out of it
and then challenge the course
but i can't because knowledge and that power has been monopolised

which is funny
because the books they dont share isnt the truth how we dont teach proper algebra
it isnt the truth in english we're not learning proper grammar
it isnt the truth the maps we learn in geography are to mislead other copuntries
and no one really knows the actual layouts of the fara way lands
knowledge is power and if you want to leearn you will do so the way they say and dno way else
you could buy their expensive three hundred dollar books
but what good is that going to do them when there are no examples on the internet
the rebellion of this monopolyt of knowledge
of how to teach yours;lef whatever course you want to learn

rise up teachers
teach me to teach myself
the only reason those names are dragged though history
isnt because they are the greats is because you are made to teach them
not because you liked them either
you get paid to carry themn forth
everything from shakespeare and Jesus
so come forth teachers I'll be your student
teach me all about your favorites
all about your ideals of litewrature
without the boundaries set upon you of you restrictions in teaching
make me something the curriculim wont allow the other beautiful minds they pay for

I will study at my own pace
I will read and write and inspire and be inspired
I'll be ecclectic eccentric
pick and choose which papers i want to write instead of one way or no way
so give me options and choices to learn the same thing
unite my teachers
unite my professors
make me your student
and lets cast aside this academic information monopoly
of how you are taught how to teach that you agree and disagree
you are paid to throw away your freedom of speach
so use it here and be rememered
i will assure you it wont go to waste as i will be your student until i get accepted somewhere

I will apply for loans for books and learn through the net
I'll study at my own pace and visit your sites you recommend and study the books you suggest of your favorites
of today yesterday
and learn how to have an opinion of my own
I'll carry forth who i think is worthy if you do the same
why is it always shakespeare if i truly think they were insane?

The information monopoly of books
i can go to the library to read them if i have to and not take them home
the teachers teaching curriculum classes wont know i study at home and have the edge of tomorrow
rise above teachers
rise above and help me out
the information monopoly ends here
and by coming together to tell me to teach me to inspire me to challenge me
to introduce me
isnt that what its all about?

Surely the students deserve to have priority to the books in the college and university libraries
but thats exactly why the public is reading propoganda news pages and not expanding their mind slike they would be
because no one knows how to lead
people do have interest in the health of their body minds and soul
for the sake of thee kama sutra they may experience if they impress a mate
in the above mentioned ways

look at them exercise
look at them pray
knowledge is power
lack of it leads us off to war instead of healthy debate
lead us teacher toward the golden age
teach me your courses with no curriculum as you would teach it had you had it your way
i will be your student
and thousands of like minds like me
will assure your not wasting your time as you research for your books
you will be writing for the futures academic studies
come forth teachers
lead us out of the monopoly of books
for even the internet has been taken away and the schools have their own little internet
that only students have access to
knowledge is power and im uninvited

If im alive
if i want to learn
there should be no initiation to a cult of intelligence of innocence to better myself
and if things dont change
like apuzzle that cant be solved
the pieces will be jammed into place
with the answers to our own questions of the way the mind makes answers to mystery
and deadly games of tag

I pay fotr the internet
I want the sites im entitled to have acceess to
paying for porn is not what im griping about
paying for equal rights because im not in the cult of schools
is wherew im sitting and i want to learn
and if thats what the net is all about but isn't
then allow me to stir the pot as i teach the next grade for you with the information on this broken toy
hear are all of your wrong answers tright here
and frankly im rather annoyed

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Information Monopoly of books

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